
  • Use a font containing characters whose letters are clear, easy to discern and without serif such as Arial, Veranda, Helvetica, Tahoma. It is better to choose a font that looks like the handwriting (for e.g., comic sans MS)
  • Use large fonts (14 points minimum)
  • Allow the ability to resize text
  • Make sure that the page remains readable and functional when the text is enlarged
  • Avoid italics, capital letters and fancy fonts because they deform letters
  • To highlight a text, use colours, font weights and larger fonts
  • Highlighting should be used sparingly. Used to excess, it risks losing its effect
  • Avoid underlining words because it has too many connotations: it suggests that the underlined text is a link
  • Limit the number of fonts used. Use a maximum of two fonts in a text, one for titles and another for the text
  • If you use special fonts, you must be consistent in their use (e.g. If you use a special font for the subtitles, you must only use it for all the subtitles of the document)